Privacy Agreement


Latest version release date: May 25, 2023

Welcome to "XCEED" (referring to XCEED's products and mobile applications (APP), hereinafter referred to as "XCEED")! XCEED APP (hereinafter referred to as "APP" or "Application") is an APP product provided by Shenzhen Meijie Import and Export Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "we" or "our company").


We attach great importance to your privacy. In order to better protect your personal information, we recommend that you carefully read the updated "XCEED Privacy Policy" ("this Policy"), especially the terms in bold black, to understand that what information about you is collected and how we will use it, please ensure your full understanding and consent before starting to use it. When you agree to this policy, you have agreed that we will process your relevant information in accordance with this policy. You should not use XCEED unless you have read and accepted all the terms of this policy. This policy applies to, including but not limited to, personal information that you actively provide during the use of XCEED services or that are generated due to product/service needs. However, this policy does not apply to the use of your personal information by third parties, and we encourage you to familiarize yourself with the corresponding privacy policy before providing information to the third party. If you have any objections or questions about the terms of this policy, you can communicate with us through the contact information published in Article 10 of this policy "How to Contact Us".


This policy will help you understand the following:

一、related definition

二、How we collect and use personal information

三、How we use SDK technology

四、How we process your personal information

五、How we store personal information

六、How we protect your personal information

七、How we manage your personal information

八、protection of minors

九、Revisions and Updates to this Policy

十、How to Contact Us


一、Related definition

Personal information

Personal informationPersonal information refers to various information related to identified or identifiable natural persons recorded electronically or otherwise, excluding anonymized information.

Sensitive personal informationRefers to personal information that, once leaked or illegally used, may easily cause the personal dignity of a natural person to be violated or the personal and property safety to be jeopardized. This policy includes: personal biometric information (such as voiceprint, static or dynamic facial features, etc.), precise positioning information, personal information of children under the age of 14 (including), etc.




Through the technical processing of personal information, the subject of personal information cannot be identified and cannot be recovered after processing.


De-identification processing


refers to the process of technically processing personal information to make it impossible to identify or associate the subject of personal information without additional information.


二、How we collect and use personal information

We process the personal information that you actively provide in the process of using the service or generated due to the needs of products/services in accordance with laws and regulations and the principles of fairness, legality, necessity, openness, transparency, and "minimization", and inform you of the relevant personal information. Purpose and scope of use. If we intend to use your personal information for other purposes not specified in this policy, or use the collected information for other purposes based on a specific purpose, we will notify you in a timely and reasonable manner, and we will inform you again before using it and with your consent.

There are two types of your personal information that we collect and use:

Information necessary for basic business functions: This type of information is necessary for the normal operation of the product/service, and you must authorize us to collect it. If you refuse to provide it, you will not be able to use our products/services normally.

Information that may be required to expand business functions: This information is not required for basic business functions, and you can choose whether to authorize us to collect it. If you refuse to provide it, it will result in the failure of additional functions or the effect we intend to achieve, but it will not affect your normal use of basic business functions.

In addition, you understand and agree that we hope to provide you with perfect products and services, so we will continue to improve our products and services, including technology, which means that we may often launch new business functions, It may be necessary to collect new personal information or to change the purpose or method of using personal information. If a function or product/service that needs to collect your personal information is not described in this policy, we will update this policy, email, mobile phone text message, APP pop-up window, APP notification bar message push…ETC, and explain to you the purpose, content, use method and scope of the information collection, and provide you with a way to choose your consent, and collect it after obtaining your express consent. During this process, if you have any questions about related matters, you can communicate with us through the contact information published in Article 10 "How to Contact Us" of this policy, and we will answer you as soon as possible.


We process the following types of personal information about you for the following purposes

User registration and login

When you create an account at XCEED, in order to become our member so that we can provide you with member services, you need to provide (1) mobile phone number, email address; and create (2) username and (3) password.

When you use XCEED, in order to maintain your basic information and improve your service experience, you need to choose to fill in and/or complete the necessary information for the service, which may include your email address, mobile phone number, nickname, etc. If you do not provide this information, it will not affect your use of the basic business functions of XCEED. In order to better provide you with after-sales service and firmware upgrade service, we need to collect your XCEED device serial number and XCEED device MAC address. At the same time, we also need to collect your Android ID, because the virtual UUID needs to be used as the unique identification of the mobile phone in both the buried point and the background interface request. When you use XCEED, in order to maintain your basic information and improve your service experience, you need to choose to fill in and/or complete the necessary information for the service, which may include your email address, mobile phone number, nickname, etc. If you do not provide this information, it will not affect your use of the basic business functions of XCEED.


Audio playback function

When you use XCEED for audio playback, we may need to collect browsing and playback history, favorites, etc. generated during your use.


Provide information display and push of goods or services


In the process of using our products/services, in order to provide you with a page display that better suits your needs, we may automatically collect your usage information and store it as web log information, and collect your page clicks and browsing through buried points Wait for the specific number of operations and the length of the buried point information.

We will provide you with advertising push services by pushing banners on the screen opening and discovery pages, and will clearly mark the word "advertisement" on the screen opening and discovery page banners, and place a skip or close button in the upper right corner of the screen opening Provide users with the option to decline or turn off push or ad marketing.

If you have any questions about our service of recommending advertisements to you according to the aforementioned content, you can communicate with us through the contact information published in Article 10 "How to Contact Us" of this policy.



During our operations, we may send various types of notifications through your email, SMS, APP pop-up window, APP notification bar message push, etc., for user message notification, identity verification, security verification, user experience research and other purposes; , we may also send you commercial information such as product-related services, functions or activities. If you do not want to accept such information, you can communicate with us through the contact information published in Article 10 of this Policy "How to Contact Us".


Improve our services

In order to better understand your opinions and suggestions on XCEED products/services and improve the quality of our products/services, we may, with your consent, send emails, text messages, APP pop-up windows, APP notification bar message push, etc. Ways to use third-party tools (Survey Monkey) to send/provide questionnaires to you, conduct interviews with you, etc. During the process of filling out the questionnaire/interview, you need to provide different categories of personal information depending on the type of the questionnaire/interview. If you do not wish to provide the above personal information, you may refuse to complete the questionnaire/interview.

During your use of our services, we may directly or indirectly collect and store information about your use in order to identify abnormal account status, understand product suitability, provide you with basic services such as browsing, ensure the normal operation of the service, and optimize the service experience. Information about the services and usage methods of the company and correlating the information, including log information and device information. In order to collect the above personal device information, we will apply for permission to access your device information.

In order to conduct data analysis and research and improve the products/services we provide to you, we may collect relevant information when you interact with the XCEED platform. Such information may include: your IP address, APP operation records, mobile phone and headset device information.

XCEED APP permission call instructions


In order to provide you with the service you choose to use, or to ensure the quality and experience of the service, some functions provided by XCEED may require your authorization to open the operating system permission. If you do not agree to authorize the XCEED APP to obtain the relevant operating system permissions, it will not affect your use of the basic business functions we provide (except for the necessary operating system permissions that the basic business functions rely on), but you may not be able to obtain extended business services to bring you user experience.


Bluetooth permission (Android, iOS version): We need you to authorize us to access your Bluetooth permission to pair and connect XCEED products with other devices (such as your mobile phone).


Permission to read and write external storage space (Android version): We need you to authorize us to access your permission to read and write external storage space, which is used to store images for products.

Location permission (Android version): We need you to authorize us to access your location permission to search for nearby Bluetooth devices. Android 6 and above require location services to be enabled to search for Bluetooth devices.

Read call status permission (Android, iOS version): We need to obtain the read call status permission, which is used for music players (such as white noise playback) to monitor the call status of mobile phones. If music was playing before the incoming call, it will switch to music pause, and resume music playback after the call ends.

Get app list permission (Android version): We need to get app list permission for firebase SDK to collect and push messages.

Clipboard permission (Android, iOS version): When you share or receive shared custom EQ information, we will read your clipboard content to determine whether there is a link, so as to realize the function of reading the link. After getting the link, we will pop up a window prompting you to choose whether to load the EQ data in the link, but we will only upload it to our server when we recognize that the content of the clipboard belongs to XCEED locally.

Please note that if you enable any permission, you authorize us to collect and use relevant personal information to provide you with corresponding services. Once you close any permission, it means that you cancel the authorization, and we will no longer continue to collect based on the corresponding permission and use relevant personal information, and cannot provide you with the services corresponding to this permission. However, your decision to close the permission will not affect the previous collection and use of information based on your authorization. Unless you cancel the authorization of personal information necessary for basic business functions, your cancellation of authorization will not affect the use of other functions.

Please be aware that according to the provisions of laws and regulations, under certain circumstances, the collection and use of your personal information does not require your prior authorization and consent. For specific exceptions, please refer to Section 4 "Exceptions to Authorization and Consent" in Article 4 of this Policy .


三、How we use SDK technology

In order to ensure the stable operation and function realization of our mobile client, so that you can enjoy and use more services and functions, our applications will embed third-party partners' SDKs or other similar applications. We will conduct strict security inspections on the application program interface (API) and software tool development kit (SDK) for third-party partners to obtain relevant information, and agree with authorized partners on strict personal information protection measures to make them comply with this policy and Any other relevant confidentiality and security measures to process personal information. Please review the "Instructions for Collecting and Using Information by Third-Party SDKs".


Third-Party SDKs

SDK                Usage           Content

Tencent Bugly       Log Collection     AndroidIDMAC Address


四、How we process your personal information

Joint processing and entrusted processing


You fully understand and agree that when providing you with products or services, we will jointly process or entrust your personal information under the following circumstances. When the following circumstances are exceeded, we will notify you through Article 9 Separately ask you for your authorization and consent:


Joint processing: When obtaining your separate consent or in accordance with the "Exceptions to Authorization Consent" in Section 4 of this Article 4, we may cooperate with you to help us operate, analyze, third party partners for improvement, customization, support and marketing jointly process your information.


Entrusted processingSome specific modules and functions in some business functions of XCEED are provided by external suppliers. The third-party partners we entrust to process personal information can only have access to the information they need to perform their duties, and we will supervise their entrusted processing activities.


We will only entrust and jointly process your information for the legal, legitimate, necessary, specific, and clear purposes stated in this policy. We will conduct a reasonable review of the personal information security environment of third-party partners, and sign a strict personal information processing agreement with them to ensure that they can only access the information they need to perform their duties, and require them to take adequate protection measures for your information, strictly abide by relevant laws and regulations and regulatory requirements.

If the agreement between us and the third-party partner on the processing purpose and processing method changes and substantially affects the original processing purpose and processing method, we will re-obtain your authorization and consent. If you choose to cancel the authorization, we will stop the service corresponding to the authorization.



We may transfer your personal information to other companies, organizations or individuals when obtaining your separate consent or in compliance with Section 4 "Exceptions to Authorized Consent" in Article 4. In the event of a merger, acquisition, or bankruptcy liquidation, the transfer of personal information may be involved. In this case, we will require the new company or organization that holds your personal information to continue to be bound by this policy. If there is any change in the collection and processing of personal information stipulated in this policy, the company or organization will seek your authorization again.



When obtaining your separate consent or in compliance with Section 4 "Exceptions to Authorized Consent" in Article 4, we may disclose personal information under the premise of adopting industry-standard security protection measures. For your personal information that is disclosed, we will carefully review its legitimacy, rationality, and legality immediately after receiving the application for disclosure, and take the measures described in Article 6 of this policy when and after disclosure. for protection.


Exceptions to Authorized Consent

Please be aware that, according to laws and regulations, in the following cases, your personal information does not need to be authorized and agreed in advance:


Directly related to national security and national defense security;

To respond to public health emergencies;

Directly related to criminal investigation, prosecution, trial and execution of judgments; Required;

In an emergency, it is necessary to protect the life, health and property safety of natural persons, such as to protect your or other personal life, property and other major legal rights but it is difficult to obtain your consent;

Personal information is your own It is disclosed to the public or collected from legal and public channels (such as legal news reports, government information disclosure, etc.);

It is necessary to sign and perform relevant agreements or other written documents with you;

To perform statutory duties or Necessary for statutory obligations.


五、How we store personal information

storage location

In accordance with laws and regulations, we store your personal information collected and generated during domestic operations within the territory of the People's Republic of China. Currently, we will not transfer your personal information overseas. However, under the following circumstances, we will provide your personal information to possible overseas entities after fulfilling our legal obligations:

1. Applicable laws clearly stipulate;

2. Obtain your separate consent;

3. Necessary for the conclusion and performance of cross-border e-commerce transactions and other types of contracts where you are a party. In view of the above situations, we will protect the security of your personal information according to this policy.

Storage period


We keep your personal information for the shortest period necessary to provide you with products and services, for example: when you use our registration and membership functions, we need to collect your mobile phone number, and after you provide it and During your use of this function, we need to keep your mobile phone number in order to provide you with this function normally and protect your account and system security.

We judge the storage period of personal information mainly by reference to the following standards and whichever is longer:

To complete the transaction purpose related to you, maintain the corresponding transaction and business records, in order to respond to your possible inquiries or complaints;

To ensure that we provide you with products / The safety and quality of services;

Do you agree to a longer retention period;

Whether there are other special agreements on retention periods;

The necessary period stipulated by law (for example, the "E-Commerce Law" stipulates: the storage time of commodity and service information, transaction information since the transaction not less than three years from the date of completion).

After the above-mentioned storage period is exceeded, we will delete or anonymize your personal information, unless it complies with the "Exceptions to Authorization and Consent" in Section 4 of Article 4.


六、How we protect your personal information

We have adopted industry-standard security measures to protect the personal information you provide to prevent unauthorized access, public disclosure, use, modification, damage or loss of personal information. We will take all reasonable and feasible measures to protect your personal information.

After an unfortunate personal information security incident occurs, we will promptly inform you in accordance with the requirements of laws and regulations: the basic situation and possible impact of the security incident, the disposal measures we have taken or will take, and the measures that you can independently prevent and reduce risks. Suggestions, remedies for you, etc. We will promptly inform you of the event-related situation by email, SMS, APP pop-up window, APP notification bar message push, etc. When it is difficult to notify the subject of personal information one by one, we will issue an announcement in a reasonable and effective manner. At the same time, we will also actively report the handling of personal information security incidents in accordance with the requirements of the regulatory authorities.


七、How to manage your personal information

access and update

We encourage you to update and revise your information to make it more accurate and current. We will take appropriate actions to set up, guide or provide contact channels for submitting applications, and try our best to ensure that you can access, update and correct your own information or other information provided when using XCEED.

If you would like to access, update and correct some of your information, you can review and change your account profile information by logging into your personal account and visiting your account settings page. You can also contact us through the contact information published in Article 10 "How to Contact Us" of this policy. Unless otherwise stipulated by laws and regulations, when you correct your personal information, we may not immediately correct or delete the corresponding information from the backup system, but we will correct or delete the information when the backup is updated.

Change the scope of your authorization or withdraw your authorization

You can change the scope of your authorization to continue collecting personal information or withdraw your authorization by deleting information, turning off device functions, etc. You can withdraw all authorization for us to continue collecting your personal information by canceling your account. Please understand that each business function requires some basic personal information to complete. After you withdraw your consent or authorization, we cannot continue to provide you with the services corresponding to the withdrawal of your consent or authorization, and we will no longer process your personal information. However, your decision to withdraw your consent or authorization will not affect the previous collection, processing and use of information based on your authorization.


Cancellation and deletion

We provide you with the functions of canceling and deleting the registered account. You can log in to your personal account, visit your account settings page, and delete your account by yourself if you comply with the conditions stipulated in the service agreement and the relevant national laws and regulations. When your account is logged in, the path to cancel the account is: My – Personal Information - Delete account. You can also delete your account by submitting a request to customer service email:


In the following situations, you can request us to delete personal information:

If our processing of personal information violates laws and regulations;

If we collect and use your personal information without your consent;

If we process personal information Violation of the agreement with you;

If you no longer use our products/services, or you cancel your account;

If we no longer provide you with products/services.


If we decide to respond to your deletion request, we will also notify the entities that obtained your personal information from us as much as possible and request them to delete them in a timely manner, unless laws and regulations provide otherwise, or these entities obtain your independent authorization. When you or we assist you to delete relevant information, we may not be able to delete the corresponding information from the backup system immediately due to applicable laws, regulations and security technologies, and we will safely store your personal information and will not further process it processing until the backup can be purged or anonymized.


Constrained Information System Automatic Decision-Making


In some business functions, we may only make decisions based on non-manual automatic decision-making mechanisms including information systems and algorithms. If these decisions significantly affect your legal rights, you have the right to request an explanation from us, and we will also provide appropriate remedies.


In response to your above request


We take your every request very seriously. At the same time, you understand and agree that under the circumstances of Section 4 "Exceptions to Authorization and Consent" in Article 4, we may not be able to respond to your request in a timely manner.


八、protection of minors

XCEED's products/services are not intended to be used exclusively by minors. Minors should obtain the consent of their guardians before using our products/services. If you are a minor, before using our products/services, you should read this policy together under the guardianship and guidance of your guardian, and use our products/services and submit personal information with the guardian's explicit consent and guidance. We protect the personal information of minors in accordance with the relevant national laws and regulations, and will only process the personal information of minors when laws and regulations permit and the guardian expressly agrees.

If you are the guardian of a minor, when you have any questions about the personal information of the minor under your guardianship, you can communicate with us through the contact information published in Article 10 of this policy "How to Contact Us". If we find that we have collected personal information of minors without the prior consent of a verifiable guardian, we will delete the relevant personal information as soon as possible.


九、Revisions and Updates to this Policy

In order to provide you with better services, we may revise the terms of this policy in a timely manner according to the update of XCEED's products/services and the relevant requirements of laws and regulations, and publish any amendments to this policy on this page, and such amendments constitute this policy a part of. For major changes, we will also provide more prominent notifications (including emails, text messages, APP pop-up windows, APP notification bar message push or other methods). Major changes referred to in this policy include, but are not limited to:

Significant changes to our service model, such as the purpose of processing personal information, the type of personal information processed, how the personal information is used, etc.;

We have undergone significant changes in the ownership structure, such as changes in owners caused by business adjustments, bankruptcy mergers, etc.;

Major changes in the main objects of personal information sharing, transfer or public disclosure;

Major changes in your rights to participate in personal information processing and how to exercise them;

We are responsible for processing personal information when there are major changes in the security responsible department, contact information and complaint channels;

When the personal information security impact assessment report indicates that there is a high risk;

Other important or possible serious impact on your personal rights and interests occurs.

If you do not agree to such changes, you can choose to stop using XCEED services; if you continue to use XCEED services, it means that you have fully read, understood and agreed to be bound by the revised policy. With any revision we make your satisfaction a top priority. We encourage you to review this policy each time you use XCEED services.

We may issue service-related announcements when necessary (for example, when we suspend, change, or terminate a service due to system maintenance). If you do not want to continue to receive the messages we push, you can ask us to stop the push, for example: ask us to stop sending promotional text messages according to the SMS unsubscribe guidelines, or set the mobile device to no longer receive the messages we push; but except for the cases where we send messages according to legal regulations or service agreements.

十、How to contact us


If you have any questions, comments, suggestions or complaints about our privacy policy and the handling of your personal information, please contact us through the following methods. We will reply to you as soon as possible after receiving your comments and suggestions and within 15 working days after verifying your user identity.




十一、Effectiveness of the Privacy Policy


This policy version was updated on December 01, 2023come into effect on December 20, 2023.